Heidelberg Catechism 49

I am copying and linking to Lord’s Day 49 of the Heidelberg Catechism (1563).

Keep calm and study the heidelberg catechism

This text comes from the Heidelblog.net publication of the Catechism (accessed 5 March 2023).

Q124. What is the third petition?

A. \”Your will be done in earth as it is in heaven,\” that is: Grant that we and all men renounce our own will,1 and without gainsaying obey Your will which alone is good;2 that so every one may fulfill his office and calling as willingly and faithfully3 as the angels do in heaven.4

1 Matt  15:24. 2 Luke 22:42Titus 2:12. 3 1 Cor 7:24. 4 Ps 103:20, 21. * Rom 12:2. * Heb 13:21.

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Thank you