Heidelberg Catechism 46

I am copying and linking to Lord’s Day 46 of the Heidelberg Catechism (1563).

Keep calm and study the heidelberg catechism

This text comes from the Heidelblog.net publication of the Catechism (accessed 5 March 2023).

Q120. Why did Christ command us to address God thus: \”Our Father?\”

A. To awaken in us at the very beginning of our prayer that childlike reverence for and trust in God, which are to be the ground of our prayer, namely, that God has become our Father through Christ, and will much less deny us what we ask of Him in faith than our parents refuse us earthly things.1

1 Matt  7:9-11. Luke 11:11-13. * 1 Pet 1:17. * Isa 63:16.

Q121. Why is it added: \”in heaven\”?

A. That we may have no earthly thought of the heavenly Majesty of God,1 and from His almighty power expect all things necessary for body and soul.2

Jer 23:23, 24Acts 17:24, 25, 27. 2 Rom 10:12. * 1 Kgs 8:28. * Ps 115:3.

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Thank you