Heidelberg Catechism 45

I am copying and linking to Lord’s Day 45 of the Heidelberg Catechism (1563).

Keep calm and study the heidelberg catechism

This text comes from the Heidelblog.net publication of the Catechism (accessed 5 March 2023).

Q116. Why is prayer necessary for Christians?

A. Because it is the chief part of thankfulness which God requires of us;1 and because God will give His grace and Holy Spirit only to those who earnestly and without ceasing beg them of Him, and render thanks unto Him for them.2

Ps 50:14,15. 2 Matt  7:7,8. Luke 11:9,10,13. Matt  13:12. * Eph 6:18.

Q117. What belongs to such prayer which is acceptable to God and which He will hear?

A. First, that with our whole heart1 we call only upon the one true God, who has revealed Himself to us in His Word,2 for all that He has commanded us to ask of Him;3 secondly, that we thoroughly know our need and misery,4 so as to humble ourselves in the presence of His divine Majesty;5 thirdly, that we be firmly assured,6 that notwithstanding our unworthiness, He will, for the sake of Christ our Lord, certainly hear our prayer,7 as He has promised us in His Word.8

John 4:22-24. 2 I John 5:14Rom 8:26. 3 Ps 27:8. 4 2 Chron 20:12. 5 Ps 2:10. * Ps 34:18. * Isa 66:2. 6 Rom 10:14James 1:6. 7John 14:13-16Daniel 9:17,18. 8 Matt  7:8. Ps 143:1. * Luke 18:13.

Q118. What has God commanded us to ask Him?

A. All things necessary for soul and body,1 which Christ our Lord comprised in the prayer, which He Himself taught us.

James 1:17. Matt  6:33. * 1 Pet 5:7. * Phil 4:6.

Q119. What is the Lord’s Prayer?

A. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name, your kingdom come, your will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever*. Amen.1

  • This doxology does not appear in the oldest manuscripts of Matthew 6:13. It is drawn from 1 Chronicles 29:10–13. It appears first in Byzantine copies of the NT. A shorter version appeared in the Didache, which has been dated from the late 1st century to the late 2nd century.  Matt 6:9-13. Luke 11:2-4.

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